Revving Up the Competition: Mir Aims for Honda’s Intensity to Break Free from Japanese Cup in MotoGP Development

Revving Up the Competition: Mir Aims for Honda's Intensity to Break Free from Japanese Cup in MotoGP Development
Image source: motorsport
P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Mir wants Honda "intensity" on MotoGP development to get out of "Japanese Cup"

Honda’s performance in MotoGP was expected to improve after changes in its approach, but the Qatar Grand Prix revealed the challenges they still face in catching up to the competition, especially Ducati, KTM, and Aprilia. Joan Mir’s struggles to keep up with other riders in the race reflect the gap Honda needs to close. Despite improvements in development and feedback responsiveness, Honda still lags behind European rivals. Mir emphasized the need for continued intense development to bridge the performance gap and compete at the top levels of MotoGP. The road ahead for Honda and Yamaha in MotoGP will require sustained effort and development to challenge their European rivals.

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